Join Dads Against Trafficking:
Take the HEMAD Pledge

Band together to end human trafficking and protect our loved ones.


Dads Against Trafficking is dedicated to uniting men from all walks of life to combat human trafficking. Our mission is to educate, protect, and empower communities to prevent trafficking and support survivors.

Why Men Should Come Forward:

 Human trafficking is a pervasive issue that affects countless individuals, particularly women and children. Men play a crucial role in combating this crisis. By banding together, men can:

  • Educate:   Spread awareness about the dangers and signs of trafficking and pornography.
  • Protect:   Use their influence to safeguard their families and communities.
  • Support:   Provide resources and volunteer efforts to assist trafficking victims and survivors.
  • Lead by Example:   Demonstrate the importance of respecting and valuing every human being.

Membership Details

Monthly Membership - $10/Month


  • Monthly Newsletter: Stay updated with the latest news, events, and information about human trafficking prevention and DAT’s efforts.
  • Exclusive Webinars: Access to monthly webinars with experts in the field of human trafficking prevention and support.
  • Resource Library: Exclusive access to a library of educational resources, including guides, eBooks, and videos on recognising and preventing trafficking.
  • Community Forum: Membership in a private online community where members can discuss and share information, experiences, and support.
  • Event Discounts: Discounts on DAT-hosted events, workshops, and conferences.
  • Merchandise: A welcome package with DAT merchandise (e.g., a t-shirt, stickers, etc.)

Meet Our Program Leader

Denardo Ramos is a committed advocate and leader in the fight against human trafficking. With over a decade of experience in law enforcement and community outreach, Denardo has been instrumental in shaping the mission and impact of Dads Against Trafficking. His passion for justice and dedication to educating men about the dangers of trafficking have driven numerous successful initiatives within the organization. Denardo’s expertise spans various areas, including conducting educational workshops, organizing community outreach events, and mentoring at-risk youth. His approach focuses on empowering men to take an active role in preventing trafficking and supporting survivors. Under his leadership, Dads Against Trafficking has grown into a powerful movement, challenging harmful behaviors and attitudes while fostering a culture of respect and support. With a warm and engaging presence, Denardo inspires men to become beacons of hope and champions for change in their communities. His vision is to create a safer world for all, where every individual is valued and protected. Join Denardo and the Dads Against Trafficking team in making a difference and building a brighter future.

Rahab’s Daughters is standing against pornography

You can’t be both anti-sex trafficking & pro-porn. One industry supports the other.

Fill out the form to the right for free access to our research-based report.

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Support our team’s life-changing actions across the country.


From the office to the field to safe houses, we need your strength.

Take Action

Be a voice in your community, the classroom, and everywhere you go.