Mission Trips

More than 10,000 women and children are trafficked annually during the week of the Super Bowl.

While most sports fans are gearing up for an evening of fun and football, we spend the year gearing up to combat human trafficking at the Super Bowl.

Every year, we take a missionary team to Super Bowl city. Working in conjunction with local organizations and law enforcement, we combat trafficking and raise awareness around the issue. ​Sporting events and major conferences tend to have a 20% or more uptick in human trafficking during the event, regardless of the location. We work to balance the scales by planning mission trips to major events to combat this heinous crime.

While research is divided on the actual increase, we realize that the problem is increasing.

Our organization is committed to visiting Super Bowl city annually and helping to reduce trafficking in every way we can in order to provide survivors with options for a fresh start.

Mission Trip Outcomes

Superbowl Outcomes 2018



Super Bowl – February 2021, Tampa 

Summer Olympics – Summer 2021

ICC Cricket Finals – Oct/Nov 2021, India

Super Bowl – February 2022, Los Angeles 

Winter Olympics – February 2022, Beijing 

World Cup – Nov/Dec 2022, Qatar

Super Bowl – February 2023, Arizona

Super Bowl – February 2024, New Orleans


2017 Mission Rescues


2018 Mission Rescues


2019 Mission Rescues


2020 Mission Rescues

Read our articles about our mission trips:

Sponsorship and donation support needed to make this year’s event a success Preparations are underway for our upcoming Super Bowl […] […]

In Florida, hurricane season and the stifling summer heat have arrived. Even though our state is gradually opening up, COVID-19 […] […]

Cammie was a college student struggling to pay her tuition when she met her trafficker. He was a charismatic Romeo Trafficker who lured her into a relationship, promising to help and allow her to safely and quickly earn money by dancing for clients. Instead, he forced her into prostitution for two years. *Names have been changed to protect the rescue’s identity. How did this happen? Her story began in Manhattan, New York, where she encountered her trafficker. His charisma and ability to initiate […]


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