
United Against Trafficking Podcast

Join “United Against Trafficking” to unite against trafficking. Hear inspiring stories and strategies for making a global

About this event

Join us for an impactful episode of the “United Against Trafficking” podcast as we bring together experts and advocates to discuss the pressing issue of human trafficking and the collective efforts needed to combat it. This event will delve into various aspects of trafficking, from its presence in sports and major events to the crucial role of faith-based initiatives, corporate partnerships, and volunteer efforts. Our distinguished panel will share insights, strategies, and personal stories, emphasizing the importance of a united global response.

Human Trafficking 101

Come learn about one of the globe’s largest problems today. Learn how you can keep loved ones safe from Human Trafficking tragedies.

About this event

Are you looking to learn more about one of the globe’s largest problems and what you can do to ensure your family, friends and loved ones aren’t tragically affected by it? Human trafficking is worldwide, from big cities to rural areas and everywhere in between. Join us for just a couple hours virtually for Human Trafficking 101, a free online course that will give you insight into human trafficking and how to combat it. You can also learn how to team up with Rahab’s Daughters as a volunteer, donor or sponsor. There are many ways to make a positive impact, and we look forward to meeting you! Register today.

Weekly Prayer

About this event

Every week, we come together to pray about human trafficking, a big problem that hurts many people, especially women and kids. Jesus cared a lot about women and listened to them. He showed us that everyone is important and loved. In our prayer meetings, we remember this and ask for help and strength for those who are suffering. We also learn from women in the Bible, like Mary and Martha, who teach us about bravery and faith. By praying together, we hope to make a difference, just like Jesus did, and show love and support to those who need it most. Let’s join hands and hearts in this fight for a kinder world.


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From the office to the field to safe houses, we need your strength.

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